Yumeiho Therapy


In order to understand what the Yumeiho Therapy, how it appeared and how useful, we need to move to Japan in 1975. The development of this ingenious method was hard work of Masayuki Saionji. I will not go deep into the history of his life, I will only say that initially it was completely far from any practices and at the insistence of his father, he studied trade. In the future, he will become interested in Chinese calligraphy and leave the University to study it in depth. And in one of the ancient books he will encounter descriptions of Chinese traditional medicine, its principles, philosophy and therapeutic procedures. These techniques are so captivate him that he decides to start a more in-depth study of them and begin with the training of the master of rehabilitation Shu’hi Ono.

Then he gradually will continue to expand their knowledge and study of ancient Eastern methods such as anmay, chiropractic, shiatsu… Go learn from the master the restorative treatment It Hidekazu. And later on the basis of their research, as well as methods for Zang-Ti-Fu, and other Seitiro since 1981 Saionji begins to develop its own method, the whole system, including rehabilitation and preventative therapy. Hard work will bear fruit and over time, this system will give impressive results.

The basis of the method:Our body is a complex biomechanical system of ligaments and levers (joints). Displacement of at least one of the joints leads to a chain reaction and displacement of all parts of the body. The main axes of our body are the pelvic bones and spine.

If we compare our body with the building, the hip joints are its Foundation, and the spine and bones of the limbs are pillars and bearing walls. Everyone knows that if the Foundation “floated”, then the walls will collapse. The process usually begins with the appearance of cracks and if no measures are taken to restore the Foundation, then the whole building will collapse, and no cosmetic repairs, of course, will not help.

To restore the natural balance of the body and developed a system recovery procedures,which is now called Yumeiho Therapy.

More professionally, this method can be described as follows: “Sayonji Therapy is reduced to patient restoration of natural functions, correcting any instability in the organs, restoring the integrity of the support and motor systems of the body, putting in the head the impact on the hip area, instead of the spine, as is customary in conventional chiropractic.” (Japan Times, 25.11.1989)

Indications:To date, Yumeiho Therapy includes more than a hundred different techniques aimed at restoring the entire body.

In order for you to better understand the testimony, I want to give examples of displacement and the consequences to which they lead.

If the shift of our axis falls on the right side, it increases the risk of functional disorders, disorders of the liver and biliary tract, stomach and intestines. The hormonal background is also disturbed, which leads to sexual weakness in men and gynecological problems in women.

With left-sided displacement, there may be violations of the heart rate and the occurrence of diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract. There is also a tendency to obesity and constipation.

With a combined pelvic displacement, all symptoms can be manifested at once by alternating right-and left-hand syndromes.


Yumeiho therapy is recommended for:

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, scoliosis, kyphosis,lordosis, spondylarthrosis, metabolic and dystrophic arthrosis, etc.)
  • Metabolic disorders in the body (alimentary obesity, gout, urolithiasis, etc.).)
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (vascular dystonia, coronary heart disease, hypertension, etc.).)
  • Diseases of the nervous system (neuroses, asthenovegetative syndrome, chronic radiculitis, etc.).)
  • Allergic diseases (bronchial asthma, polynoses, etc.).

In Yumeiho therapy, there are practically no negative side effects.
General contraindications:inflammatory, purulent skin diseases, tumors (tumors). Local contraindications – places of recent operations and injuries.


The General effects of the procedure Yumeiho Therapy is:

  • Removal of emotional and physical stress;
  • Improvement of microcirculation in tissues and organs;
  • Improvement of blood circulation and oxygen supply to organs and brain cells;
  • Restoration of joint mobility;
  • Improvement of elasticity in the muscles;
  • Restoration of the center of gravity of the body;
  • Improving the functioning of internal organs;
  • Harmonization and balance of the musculoskeletal system
  • Prevention of formation of intervertebral hernias
  • Weight loss and normalization of the digestive tract;
  • Uplifting and improving performance.