1.Correction and treatment of ingrown nails What is an ingrown toenail?

Ingrown nail (or onychocryptosis) is a disease during which is celebrated the ingrown nail plate in the lateral nail fold. In other words, the edge of the nail grows into the skin, while this process is combined with inflammation of the soft tissues, noticeable redness, swelling of the finger, significant pain. In most cases, ingrown toenail occurs on the big toe (less often on other toes) on the one hand, but there are cases when this occurs on both sides.

This disease is quite serious, so at the first signs of ingrown nail should take action, otherwise the process will be aggravated, resulting in swelling of the skin around the nail, there will be purulent discharge at the site of ingrowth, and the tumor formed on this background will begin to bleed. In this case, there is a rather unpleasant picture: the finger becomes bluish-red, festering and very sore, while greatly increasing in size, which causes discomfort and inconvenience when walking.

Causes of ingrown toenail.

In most cases, contributes to the development of this disease is incorrect and poor quality pedicure when you or the master too deeply cut the nail at the edges.

One of the possible causes of ingrown toenail is also called the constant wearing of narrow, uncomfortable (with sharp socks) and poor-quality shoes. In this case, against the background of pressure, the nail cuts into the nail roller and constantly presses on it.

Deformation of the fingers (acquired or congenital: clubfoot, flat feet, etc.), fungal diseases, finger injuries can also be a fundamental factor of ingrowth. Quite often ingrown nail is the result of improper growth of nails on the toes, against which the nail plate thickens and twists. Circulatory disorders in the legs, inflammatory diseases less often, notes still contribute to the development of this problem.

An alternative method of surgery is – orthonyxia, a technique that allows painlessly using staples, align the nail and redistribute the pressure of the nail on the nail bed and the side roller. Correction of ingrown toenail brace is possible even in the most advanced cases. You will get rid of the problem forever!

Indications for orthonics:

  • ingrown nail
  • injured nails
  • Curling nails
  • thickened, stiff nails
  • keratinization in the side rollers
  • calluses in the side rollers
  • onychomycosises
  • onychodystrophy nail plates

he benefits of ortodoxie:

  • painless procedure
  • non-surgical intervention
  • relapse-free technique
  • save the nail
  • nail correction
  • quick relief
  • used in almost all cases

Painless treatment of ingrown toenail in our beauty and health center at the specialist-podologist You will be able to feel already at the first visit.

To date, a large number of orthonyxia correction systems have been developed. We use the most effective plates and staples to fix the nails of German and American manufacturers.

Unfortunately, the surgical method gives only temporary relief, but after a while (about 1 year) the problem returns in 90% of cases. In particular, after the surgical removal of the nail new plate often grows deformed, and then, even the most ideal pedicure will not look perfect. So to use this method is necessary only in extreme cases and emergencies.

With a conservative approach, the correction is carried out using special brackets (mill bracket) or plates (BS plate, gold plate, Subfix, Omnifix), the installation of titanium thread, the arcade method.

If You have a similar problem – do not delay. Contact our specialists and return to a comfortable lifestyle.

2.Laser treatment of onychomycosis

Onychomycosis (nail fungus) is one of the most common nail diseases in the adult population. It is a fungus that affects the nail, which is why the latter changes in color, turning yellow or whiter, with a rapid spread. If you don’t want to think about it, the nail plate may simply move away from his bed.

Independently determine whether You suffer from onychomycosis is difficult, because the disease looks like psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. However, if the following diseases and conditions are present in the history, the risk of nail fungus infection increases significantly:

  • Low local immunity
  • Mechanical damage to the nail
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Vascular disease,
  • Endocrine pathology
  • Oncological disease
  • Special physiological conditions (menopause)
  • Eating disorders of the nail bed
  • Constant contact with detergents, water, etc.

How to treat onychomycosis?

Existing methods, medicinal and surgical, are not a panacea. Firstly, because they have a huge number of side effects, and secondly, they are either long in themselves, or have a long recovery period. In addition, deliver a lot of discomfort to the patient.

Therefore, consultation and treatment should take place under the supervision of a highly qualified specialist.

To date, the most versatile option for the treatment of onychomycosis – laser Onychomed!

With it you can quickly, safely, and most importantly to get rid of nail fungus. The procedure is easily tolerated and has no negative consequences. If necessary (if the nail plate is affected by the fungus by more than 50%), laser treatment is combined with medical treatment.

In our center “Bamboo – refresh your body and soul” treatment of onychomycosis takes place using the laser “Onychomed” of the latest modification.

Advantages of laser treatment of onychomycosis:

With the help of intense laser radiation, there is a destruction of the protein base of the structure of the fungus, the consequence of which is a complete cure. The diseased plate is replaced by a completely healthy nail.

The procedure lasts less than 30 minutes.

The result is not long in coming


Absolutely safe – laser bactericidal; it only affects the fungus without damaging adjacent areas of the skin

Unlike the surgical method, do not have to remove the nail

Already after a 3-month course of laser treatment of onychomycosis, the patient observes the desired effect. The results of full recovery are achieved with a course of up to 6 months.

Laser treatment of onychomycosis is more profitable and in total is much cheaper than the received treatment with medication. And most importantly, do not have to resort to a surgical method of removing nails.

Appointment of a podologist

In our center you will get advice and treatment from our podologists of the highest qualification category.


3.Therapeutic pedicure

In our center these problems are dealt with by the doctor – podologist, using medical hardware pedicure.

The tasks that medical hardware pedicure solves: nail and foot skin care, painless removal of dead skin (corns) and calluses of plantar and interdigital, work with deep cracks, correction of ingrown nail (removal of inflammation), treatment of thickened, deformed nails, proper care for diabetic foot.

The doctor – podologist of our center will advise You on the care of the foot to prevent deformation of the foot, pick up correctors for foot problems, as well as give recommendations for care for the prevention of fungal diseases of the nails and feet.


4.Removal of plantar warts, corns.

Almost every second of us is infected with the human papillomavirus (HPV), though he is safely asleep thanks to immune protection. But one has only to get a decline in immunity – and there are warts, such growths on the skin, usually small – from 1 mm to 1 cm. And to catch the human papilloma virus is very easy – through a handshake, a handset, handrails in the bus, the floor in the shower, a kiss… in general, in any contact way.

Doctors know different types of warts. In the podology, we consider only 2 types of them:

🔸Common warts – a dense, dry. When you click on them, no pain is felt. Most often, such warts occur on the fingers, under the nails, on the hands and palms.

🔸Plantar warts – to the touch very dense, Horny. If you look closely, you can see that the wart consists of bundles of filamentous papillae, and around them formed a roller, something like a corn. Color – grayish. Warts painful. Formed on the heels, in the metatarsal area of the leg.

The most effective ways to remove warts that we offer: with a laser, liquid nitrogen, electrocoagulation.

  • Laser removal

Plus: Fast and safe.

Minus: Painful. If the wart has grown in a sensitive place, you will need pre-anesthesia. After the laser reduces the wart, a scar may remain at the site of removal.

  • Laser removal

Plus: Fast and safe.

Minus: Painful. If the wart has grown in a sensitive place, you will need pre-anesthesia. After the laser reduces the wart, a scar may remain at the site of removal.

  • Cold removal

Plus: Fast and safe.

This method of removing warts with liquid nitrogen and dry ice is most often offered by dermatologists of district clinics.

Plus: No anesthesia required.

Minus: At the site of removal for a long time kept swelling and inflammation. The wart may not come off the first time, you will need up to 5 procedures.

  • Electrocoagulation

Plus: Wound immediately disinfected. There is no bleeding. Scars usually not remains.

Minus: only Suitable for small warts. You’ll need pre-anesthesia.


Diabetic foot care programs

There are three types of diabetic foot on the basis of the predominance of a component of the complications of diabetes:

  • Ischemic form.
  • Neuropathic form.
  • Mixed form.

Patients are concerned about pain (more at rest and passing while walking, feeling discomfort, crawling “goose bumps”). As a result of circulatory disorders can develop purulent lesions of the feet (long-term infected calluses, abrasions, etc.), trophic ulcers, gangrene feet. Patients with diabetes should pay special attention to foot care.

The main signs of foot injury, the so-called “small problems”, which should not be neglected treatment, can lead to serious consequences, the following:

  • Ingrown nail. Arises due to improper cutting of nails at the corners of the nail plate. Sharp, raw edges to injure the skin of the nail fold, which may lead to suppuration.
  • Darkening of the nail. Can occur due to injury of the nail after impact and or wearing tight shoes that often, diabetics, leads to suppuration.
  • Fungal infection of the nail. The nail changes color, thickens, and deforms. May injure nearby finger or under it appears by suppuration from the pressure of shoes.
  • Corns and corns. They are also often infected.
  • Cuts the skin when cutting nails. Because of the decrease in sensitivity, poor vision, overweight, when cutting the nail on their own – a very complex procedure, it is not always possible to properly handle, without a cut, nails. At the site of the cut can easily form an ulcer.
  • Cracks in the heel area. Formed when walking barefoot or in shoes with an open heel on the background of increased dry skin. Often occur with fungal lesions of the feet. Cracks can easily fester and lead to the formation of diabetic ulcers.
  • Deformation of the toes and the foot itself can also lead to the formation of corns and corns, followed by infection.

All the above-mentioned problems require urgent and urgent treatment.

To maintain the health of the feet, patients with diabetes need to properly care for them.

Recommendations that will tell you how to properly care for your feet:

  • Regularly inspect the legs and interdigital spaces.
  • Wash your feet daily. While wiping your feet, do not forget to get wet between your fingers.
  • Promptly seek medical care if there are blisters or wounds.
  • Carefully take care of the nails, they need to grind a nail file, not cut with scissors.
  • You can’t go barefoot. Change your stockings or socks daily.
  • Before you put on any shoes, it should be visually, and better hands to the touch to check whether inside the folds, foreign objects.
  • Blood sugar should be within normal limits.
  • Pick up spacious shoes to avoid compression of the toes.
  • After visiting the bath, sauna, swimming pools, it is necessary, for preventive purposes, to lubricate the feet with antifungal cream or ointment.

Patients with diabetes in any case can not:

  • steam out feet in the puddles (so You risk to burn)
  • cut off the dead skin yourself (You can remove too much skin, which can lead to a wound)
  • you can not warm the feet using hot water bottles
  • it is impossible to open independently purulent formations.

Below are the questions, answering which You will understand whether You need to consult a dermatologist, mycologist or podologist.

Do You notice the flaking of the skin around your toes?

Has the nail plate changed (the appearance of the ribbed structure of the nail, changing the color of the nails)?

Do pain appear when walking in the area of the nail plate or on the site of the corn?

Have you had any trauma to the nail, after which the color of the nail painted in blue or Burgundy color?

Have you ever had cracks in your heels?

If You answered “Yes” to several of the above questions, then You need to consult a doctor – podologist. The podologist of our center of beauty and health owns techniques of hardware pedicure and non-surgical treatment of the ingrown nail



  1. Batık Tırnakların Düzeltimi ve Tedavisi Batık tırnak nedir?

Batık tırnak (veya onikokriptoz), tırnak plağının yan tırnak kıvrımına batmasıyla karakterize bir hastalıktır. Diğer bir deyişle, tırnağın kenarı cilde doğru büyürken, bu süreç yumuşak dokuların iltihabı, belirgin kızarıklık, parmakta şişlik ve önemli ağrı ile birleşir. Çoğu durumda, batık tırnak genellikle büyük ayak parmağında (daha az sıklıkla diğer parmaklarda) tek taraflı olarak meydana gelir, ancak her iki tarafta da meydana geldiği durumlar vardır.


Bu hastalık oldukça ciddidir, bu yüzden batık tırnak belirtileri görüldüğünde harekete geçilmelidir, aksi takdirde süreç ağırlaşır, tırnağın çevresindeki ciltte şişme, batma yerinde irinli akıntı oluşur ve bu arka planda oluşan tümör kanamaya başlar. Bu durumda oldukça hoş olmayan bir manzara ortaya çıkar: parmak mavimsi-kırmızı renge bürünür, iltihaplanır ve çok ağrır, büyüklüğü önemli ölçüde artar, bu da yürürken rahatsızlık ve sıkıntıya neden olur.


Batık Tırnağın Nedenleri.


Çoğu durumda, bu hastalığın gelişimine yanlış ve kalitesiz pedikür neden olur, siz veya usta tırnağın kenarlarını çok derin kestiğinde bu durum meydana gelir.


Batık tırnağın olası nedenlerinden biri de dar, rahatsız (keskin burunlu) ve kalitesiz ayakkabıların sürekli giyilmesidir. Bu durumda, baskı altında tırnak, tırnak yatağına doğru kesilir ve sürekli olarak üzerine baskı yapar.


Parmakların deformasyonu (kazanılmış veya doğuştan: çarpık ayak, düz tabanlık vb.), mantar hastalıkları, parmak yaralanmaları da batmaya temel bir faktör olabilir. Sıklıkla batık tırnak, ayak parmaklarındaki tırnakların yanlış büyümesinin sonucudur, bu durumda tırnak plağı kalınlaşır ve bükülür. Bacaklardaki dolaşım bozuklukları, daha az sıklıkla iltihaplı hastalıklar, yine de bu problemi geliştirmeye katkıda bulunur.


Cerrahi bir alternatif yöntem – ortoni, tırnağı ağrısız bir şekilde düzeltmeyi ve tırnak yatağı ile yan rulonun üzerindeki basıncı yeniden dağıtmayı sağlayan bir tekniktir. Batık tırnak düzeltme klipsi, en ileri vakalarda bile mümkündür. Sorundan sonsuza kadar kurtulacaksınız!


Ortoniksin göstergeleri:


– Batık tırnak

– Yaralı tırnaklar

– Kıvrılan tırnaklar

– Kalınlaşmış, sert tırnaklar

– Yan rulolarda keratinizasyon

– Yan rulolarda nasır

– Onikomikozlar

– Onikodistrofi tırnak plağı

Ortoniksinin faydaları:


– Ağrısız prosedür

– Cerrahi müdahale yok

– Nüksüz teknik

– Tırnağın korunması

– Tırnak düzeltimi

– Hızlı rahatlama

– Neredeyse tüm vakalarda kullanılır

Podologumuzun güzellik ve sağlık merkezinde, batık tırnak tedavisi ilk ziyarette bile hissedilebilir.


Bugüne kadar, birçok ortoni düzeltme sistemi geliştirilmiştir. Biz, tırnakların sabitlenmesi için Alman ve Amerikan üreticilerinin en etkili plakalarını ve klipslerini kullanıyoruz.


Maalesef, cerrahi yöntem yalnızca geçici bir rahatlama sağlar, ancak bir süre sonra (yaklaşık 1 yıl) problem %90 vakada geri döner. Özellikle, cerrahi yolla tırnak çıkarıldıktan sonra yeni tırnak plağı sıklıkla deforme olarak büyür ve sonra, en ideal pedikür bile mükemmel görünmez. Bu nedenle, bu yöntem yalnızca son çare ve acil durumlarda kullanılmalıdır.


Konservatif bir yaklaşımla, düzeltme özel klipsler (mil braketi) veya plakalar (BS plakası, altın plak, Subfix, Omnifix), titanyum ipliği yerleştirme, arkad yöntemi kullanılarak yapılır.


Benzer bir sorununuz varsa – beklemeyin. Uzmanlarımıza başvurun ve rahat bir yaşam tarzına geri dönün.


  1. Onikomikozun Lazerle Tedavisi

Onikomikoz (tırnak mantarı), yetişkin nüfusta en yaygın tırnak hastalıklarından biridir. Tırnağı etkileyen bir mantar türüdür, bu yüzden tırnak rengi sarıya veya daha beyaza döner, hızlı bir yayılım gösterir. Buna dikkat etmek istemiyorsanız, tırnak plağı yatağından basitçe ayrılabilir.


Onikomikozdan muzdarip olup olmadığınızı bağımsız olarak belirlemek zordur, çünkü hastalık psoriasis ve atopik dermatit gibi görünebilir. Ancak, aşağıdaki hastalıklar ve koşullar öyküde mevcutsa, tırnak mantarı enfeksiyonu riski önemli ölçüde artar:


– Yerel bağışıklıkta düşüklük

– Tırnağa mekanik hasar

– Diyabet

– Obezite

– Damar hastalığı,

– Endokrin patoloji

– Onkolojik hastalık

– Özel fizyolojik koşullar (menopoz)

– Tırnak yatağının beslenme bozuklukları

– Deterjanlar, su vb. ile sürekli temas

Onikomikoz nasıl tedavi edilir?

Mevcut yöntemler, ilaç ve cerrahi, panzehir değildir. Birincisi, çok sayıda yan etkiye sahip olmaları, ikincisi ise ya kendileri uzun sürer ya da uzun bir iyileşme dönemi vardır. Ayrıca, hastaya çok fazla rahatsızlık verirler.


Bu nedenle, danışma ve tedavi yüksek derecede nitelikli bir uzman gözetiminde gerçekleşmelidir.


Bugüne kadar, onikomikozun tedavisi için en evrensel seçenek – lazer Onychomed!


Bu yöntemle, hızlı, güvenli ve en önemlisi tırnak mantarından kurtulabilirsiniz. İşlem kolayca tolere edilir ve olumsuz sonuçları yoktur. Gerekirse (tırnak plağı mantar tarafından %50’den fazla etkilenmişse), lazer tedavisi ilaç tedavisiyle birleştirilir.


Merkezimiz “Bamboo – vücudunuzu ve ruhunuzu yenileyin” de onikomikoz tedavisi, en son modifikasyonun “Onychomed” lazeri kullanılarak gerçekleştirilir.


1.Коррекция и лечение вросших ногтей Что такое вросший ноготь?

Вросший ноготь (или онихокриптоз) – это заболевание, при котором отмечается врастание ногтевой пластины в боковую ногтевую складку. Другими словами, край ногтя растет в кожу, при этом этот процесс сочетается с воспалением мягких тканей, заметным покраснением, отеком пальца, значительной болью. В большинстве случаев вросший ноготь происходит на большом пальце ноги (реже на других пальцах) с одной стороны, но есть случаи, когда это происходит с обеих сторон.


Это заболевание достаточно серьезное, поэтому при первых признаках вросшего ногтя следует предпринять действия, иначе процесс будет усугубляться, в результате чего вокруг ногтя будет отек кожи, появится гнойное выделение в месте врастания, и образовавшаяся на этом фоне опухоль начнет кровоточить. В этом случае складывается довольно неприятная картина: палец становится синюшно-красным, гноящимся и очень болезненным, при этом сильно увеличиваясь в размерах, что вызывает дискомфорт и неудобство при ходьбе.


Причины вросшего ногтя.


В большинстве случаев к развитию этого заболевания приводит неправильный и некачественный педикюр, когда вы или мастер слишком глубоко обрезаете ноготь по краям.


Одной из возможных причин вросшего ногтя также называют постоянное ношение узкой, неудобной (с острыми носками) и некачественной обуви. В этом случае на фоне давления ноготь врезается в ногтевой валик и постоянно на него давит.


Деформация пальцев (приобретенная или врожденная: косолапость, плоскостопие и т.д.), грибковые заболевания, травмы пальцев также могут быть фундаментальным фактором врастания. Довольно часто вросший ноготь является результатом неправильного роста ногтей на пальцах ног, на фоне чего ногтевая пластина утолщается и искривляется. Нарушения кровообращения в ногах, воспалительные заболевания реже, все же способствуют развитию этой проблемы.


Альтернативным методом хирургии является – ортониксия, техника, которая позволяет безболезненно с помощью скоб выровнять ноготь и перераспределить давление ногтя на ногтевое ложе и боковой валик. Коррекция вросшего ногтя брекетом возможна даже в самых запущенных случаях. Вы избавитесь от пр