Light therapy (chromotherapy). Photochromotherapy with the latest LED face mask.
Although this method is based on the shortest exposure to a certain spectrum of light and color on the skin, the results are usually not long in coming. Fotohromotherapy relieves fatigue, restores the old color of the epidermis, making the surface smooth, shining. Significantly reduced affected areas (redness, irritation).
LED phototherapy is not associated with changes in skin temperature. This is solely the effect of the spectral wave. Without the harmful effects of ultraviolet and infrared rays. To solve a certain problem with the skin, you need to clearly understand what range you need to use.
❤Red (wavelength from 628 to 780 nm): ideal for Mature skin that needs better metabolism, good blood circulation. The procedure ensures the conservation of moisture, the pores normalizing sebum production, eliminate inflammation.
💚Green (wavelength from 496 to 566 nm): soothes, relieves irritation. Suitable to facilitate kuporosa, erythema. Often used as a prevention of age-related skin changes.
💙Blue (wavelength from 421 to 495 nm): eliminates inflammation, soothes. Ideal for problem and often irritated skin. The antibacterial effect of the product is often used for medical purposes for the treatment of skin diseases.
💛Yellow (wavelength from 567 to 589 nm): improves blood circulation, activates lymphatic drainage, eliminates puffiness, improves color, promotes oxygen saturation. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antifungal effects.
🌀Blue light (wavelength 470 nm): softens, moisturizes, soothes, slows down the aging process, restores dehydrated epidermis.
💜Purple (wavelength from 380 to 420 nm): helps to eliminate toxins, prevents tissue scarring, heals wounds, improves tone, eliminates and soothes inflammation.
Chromotherapy is a great addition to the complex procedure of any direction. It is the treatment and prevention of many skin related problems. This is the harmonization of processes and the restoration of physiological, psychological and somatic balances.